Dear Fr. Ron & Friends, Thank you for filling the bellies and community tables of our neighbors and for your compassion and commitment to the health of our families! Your Food Drive raised a total of $2,000 and 1,006 pounds of canned and non-perishable food. Your generosity is inspiring! Community may be the only force strong enough to overcome hunger. Thank you for your commitment to provide good food and community, no matter the season. Sincerely, Bridget Posson Development Supervisor Thank you to the WR Catholic Men’s Group/Knights of Columbus for organizing and running the Food Drive, and to all of the people who donated. God bless you!
WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE THE WINNERS OF THE 2023 SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS! Congratulations to these talented and hardworking students: Melanie Gonzalez-Maza; Gabriel Griffin; Franco Ocampo; Kahadijah Patlan; Chase Rushton; Jasmine Santacruz; Emily Tellez Regalado; and Bernice Vargas Castaneda. A special thank to everyone who made these scholarships possible! Felicitaciones a estos estudiantes talentosos y trabajadores: Melanie Gonzalez-Maza; Gabriel Griffin; Franco Ocampo; Kahadijah Patlán; Chase Rushton; Jazmín Santacruz; Emily Téllez Regalado; y Bernice Vargas Castañeda. vea el boletín extra para que conozca más a fondo a estos jóvenes. ¡Un agradecimiento especial a todos los que hicieron posible estas becas!
to the 97 children from St Charles Borromeo who made their First Holy Communion May 13th & 20th. We have also had 52 teens from St Charles confirmed May 18th. Please pray that these newly initiated and confirmed members will take an active role in their parish communities!
If you have made your 1st Communion, we invite you to be an Altar Server. This is an excellent way for you to learn about the Mass and experience the liturgy. Altar Servers play an important role in the Mass celebration. Other than Fr. Ron and the Deacons, no one else is allowed to play so close a part in the preparation of the Eucharist. If interested, please see Bea Sloan or call at 208-720-8400 El Padre Ron les hace una atenta invitación a todos los niños y jóvenes que ya realizaron su primera comunión y les gustaría servir durante las misas de San Carlos. El padre Ron junto con miembros de la comunidad estarán preparando a los niños para este ministerio, si le gustaría que su niño participe, por favor hable a la oficina para inscribirlo. 208-788-3024
Our new coffee system at St. Charles costs about $60-$70 per month. Please consider putting a couple of dollars in the donation jar each weekend to help us keep the coffee flowing. Thank you!
A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who made the Irish Dinner such a success. So many parishioners pitched-in in so many ways, that we can’t thank you enough. As a result, we accomplished our main objectives of 1) Having a good time together, 2) Working together for a good cause, and 3) Raising money for scholarships. We are still adding up the numbers, and will soon be able to let everyone know how much we raised. Scholarship announcements will come at the end of April.
We are looking to expand our Sunday morning helpers and want to come up with a Sub/Fill-in list of those that can't commit to being on a month's crew, but if a group is short would be willing to help with set-up, clean-up, or bring goodies on a given weekend. The coffee hour ministry offers a great way to help serve and meet others. If you would be interested in being on our sub/fill-in list, please contact Maureen Patterson at (208) 720-5662.